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Partner With

ESF Learning & Language | a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
ESF Learning & Language | a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding and robotic courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above
a partner of SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding courses for kids aged 4 or above

Learning with SUP Education

Expertly crafted curriculum

By highly qualified educators with advanced degrees in education

STEM.org Accredited™

Guaranteeing top-notch STEM education

Small class sizes

Ensure individualized attention and enhanced learning experiences, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1:4-6

Project-based learning and presentations

Empower students to apply coding skills creatively and present confidently

Our Courses

Scratch JR
Animation and game creation by learning "puzzle-like" codes for young age kids 
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Minecraft Education
Have a different taste of Minecraft by using block-based coding
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Scratch 3.0
First step to be an animation or game designer 
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Create 3D Games by understanding coding language "LUA"
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CoSpaces Edu Explorer
Create 3D, VR, AR Games
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LEGO Junior
Let’s Build & Design
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LEGO Explorer
Create your first robot
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App Inventor
Become an App developer!
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Python 101
First step to Python Programming
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Learning Flow

Before Class


Discovery Assessment


Immersive Classes

Within Class


Progress Checkpoint


Creative Challenge


Showcase Finale

*Progress Checkpoint, Creative Challenge and Showcase Finale will be part of the lessons.
SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding and robotic courses for kids aged 4 or above



Learning Hours
SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding and robotic courses for kids aged 4 or above



Programme Completion Rate
SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding and robotic courses for kids aged 4 or above



Parent’s first option

Proud Parents

仔仔上完 Roblox Christmas camp 之後,日日都話想繼續上堂呀!老師教得好好,又用心,未見過佢咁投入參加課外活動。本身都唔知呢d 係咩黎.. 直到佢分享左佢係 Roblox 上整自己既 game,仲要打 code.. 我同爸爸都有一齊玩,好開心呀!黎緊會繼續參加課程的!
Mother of Jayden
Valerie 上完課堂之後,成日講第時想成為一個遊戲設計師!我都希望佢係呢方面繼續發展!不過我都希望可以比佢學更多唔同範籌的 STEM,等佢可以發掘興趣。好彩你地都有好多唔同課堂!
Mother of Valerie
My sons had a great time during the Easter Camp. I could tell they really enjoyed the class since they haven’t stopped talking about the class afterwards. I wish that they can pursue something that they are interested in. I really appreciate the instructor allowing them to create and unleash their potential. Thanks!
Father of Marcus and Jordan
小朋友十分感興趣,亦會自己練習,每次都十分期待上 Scratch課堂,她亦很喜歡老師! 希望課程內容繼續保持質素及能循序漸進地學習新知識以保持興趣,末來期望小朋友透過課程能訓練邏輯思維、引導思考及創造力
Mother of Evelyn
我的女兒學得好開心呀!用zoom 上堂都好有效、又方便!
Mother of Anissa
中心各方面都很好, 老師有耐性, 小朋友都很喜歡老師, 老師都會於課堂上問小朋友想學什麼
Mother of Galen
Mother of Elvin
Karson由Scratch Jr. 到3.0 到minecraft 都係一直跟Harry Sir上堂。 Karson 非常enjoy上堂, 日日都會提起Harry Sir, 做左d咩project都會想同佢分享😂 我俾我仔學過咁多野, 係未見過佢咁鐘意一位老師😂 所以我相信好大原因係啊 sir 俾左好大既空間佢去思考同學習, 引導佢去點諗, 點解決, 令佢build up左好多信心. 我自己都好中意依種冇框框住佢思考既學習模式。
Mother of Karson
我覺得中心各方面都很好,老師盡心。你地機構係行政follow up都好好。我會一直支持
Mother of Jordan & Pak Hei

Our Location

Lai Chi Kok is our main Campus.
We also partner with co-learning spaces - Oonique to offer in-person classes on the island side.
Lai Chi Kok - Main Campus
Room 707, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Lai Chi Kok (Lai Chi Kok Exit B1, 3 - 4 mins walk)
Causeway Bay - OONIQUE
11/F and 12/F, Kyoto Plaza, 491-499 Lockhart Rd, Causeway Bay

We also provide online classes via Zoom!

Chat with our consultant now


What ages are your courses suitable for?
What are the qualifications of your instructors?
How long are your courses?
What is the student-to-teacher ratio in your courses?
How do I know if my child is ready for a particular course?
Can I observe a class before enrolling my child?
Can I reschedule a class if my child misses a session?
Is there a makeup policy for missed classes?
What supplies and equipment will my child need for the course?
Can I skip a beginner-level course if I have previous experience in the subject?

Not sure where to begin?

Chat with our consultant now
SUP Education - a STEAM education centre in Hong Kong providing coding and robotic courses for kids aged 4 or above
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